What’s thirtyonethirtyone?

Thirtyonethirtyone is a reference to good old Proverbs 31, the chapter that talks all about an excellent wife. Its a fantastic picture of a smart, strong, industrious woman who spends her days making fabric for clothes for her family, gathering food like a merchant ship, and in her free time, buying and selling vineyards. Its not at all the image that culture today seems to have of “housewives,” the picture of either lolling around at the tennis courts with her friends, or being bored out of her mind as she cleans the toilet for the 15th time of the day.

The last verse of the description, verse 31 of Proverbs 31, says “Give her the fruit of her labor, and let her works praise her in the gates.” That sounds like a great aspiration! Her works are so enticing and enjoyable that others are blessed by them. And she’s reaping the benefit of her hard work as well. So that’s what I’m working towards – not praise, but work in my home that speaks loudly of the joy and care that was put into it.

5 responses to “What’s thirtyonethirtyone?

  1. And it’s doing just that. I love you my sweet, sweet wife.

  2. This is wonderful wisdom. I endeavor to be a Proverbs 31 woman. You go, Girl!! God bless you!

  3. What a blessing you are to me, Sarah. I love to see how you are using your God-given talents and abilities to serve your husband, the church, and all those around you. I love your blog and find just like the fairy-godmother in Cinderella, that everything you touch magically turns into something unique and beautiful. Keep on, keeping on, my dear sister.

  4. I am so genuinely delighted to find this and share in your ship steering, vineyard cultivating, and graceful execution of the beautiful work that is your “profession” :}

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